When it comes to setting up your events, there is one aspect you must consider at the inception: social media. In the creative and design process, you’ll likely think about the types of activations and installments that will positively affect ROI. While this is important, social media practices must be considered. Luckily, these said practices are typically a cost-effective, added bonus.
For example, our 180° photo booths are always an instant hit at any event. From the experience-driven overall quality to the concrete deliverables and takeaways (pictures, in this case), our custom activations guarantee enjoyment in a B2C environment. At major expos and conventions, our various activations are designed to create “buzz” for our clients, which is further accomplished with respective social media practices. And luckily, sometimes it’s as easy as creating a hashtag.
Yes, you’ve likely seen them. They’re everywhere- it’s almost as if your post didn’t actually happen unless you attached a hashtag. They may look just like regular pound signs, but they’re actually very powerful. Look at a bigger picture: Your company has a booth at a major expo. You offer a 360° photo booth, so you’re likely to have a line of potential clients waiting for their turn to experience it. Once these guests receive their photo at the end of it all, they instantly post it to their social media channels. In order to create some sort of virtual connection, it’s beneficial to establish a hashtag advertising your company that coincides with the event you’re attending. If 100 people post their photos to their respective pages, that’s 100 people hash-tagging YOUR business! This creates brand awareness, buzz and ultimately a positive experience for both parties considered.
Promoting Your Posts
Sometimes, people have mixed feelings about social promotions. Some look at it as spam, and others look at it as a can’t miss opportunity. In most cases, promoted posts are a win-win for both the user and the business. Look at Instagram, for example. With post promotions, you’re able to target those who may not even follow your page. This is effective in drawing people in toward your business and/or product, especially if you’re at a major event with competing vendors. In choosing who to target based on factors like proximity, gender and age, your posts are able to reach a widely larger audience. You never know whose eyes are looking at your page!
Handing out pens, koozies and other promotional items at your event is awesome. We encourage it! Yet, in the growing digital age, people crave an authentic and memorable experience. This is where customized photo booths come into play- there’s no way you could go wrong here! Stepping into the booth and experiencing the fun firsthand is one thing. Taking this memory home with you is an added value. Not to mention the simplicity of the process! The best part about it is how it is so digitally focused and compatible. As we mentioned in our prior blog post, photo strips often get lost or damaged. In delivering your guests a virtual file with their photo memories, they will never forget the positive experience they had. That is, they will never forget your business!
Looking to capitalize on your social media efforts at your next event? We’d love to be a part of the process! Contact us here to learn how we can partner up!